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Food   Ministry

Are you or someone you know experiencing hunger or hardship?  Mt. Nebo has a small food pantry.  It typically serves about 40 local families over the course of the year. Our main distribution times occur at Thanksgiving and Christmas, but we can help those in need anytime of the year.


How can I help?

We accept donations at any time. Please contact the church office so someone will be on site to receive your gift. If presenting a monetary gift, please write your check to Mt Nebo Presbyterian Church with the words “food pantry” on the memo line.  Checks may be mailed or dropped off at the church office.


We need volunteers to help sort, box and give food to families in need, offer Giant Eagle gift cards, help with our New Year food drive, “The Souper Bowl of Caring”.  Contact the church to get involved.

How to Receive Assistance

You must be a resident of our immediate area. Please contact the church office to request assistance. Volunteers who run the food pantry will contact you to make an appointment for assistance.  Please contact the church office if you require immediate assistance.

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